Thursday, August 11, 2011


I have been back in the states for a while but here is my post on my 4 day stay in Canada.

We took a hike in the park, which is near our property, so we could visit another lake.

Beaver dam construction site.

Big Clear lake.


Paddle boarding.

One thing I was looking forward to was windsurfing. I got to practice with the little wind there was and every time I got the sail up, the easier it got.

It may not look like a big fall, but when you're standing at the top, it does. The moment you jump, there is no turning back. 

The best feeling is when you sit in the front of the boat and look out over the still water before the boat hits it. It feels as if you are flying over it.

Fishing is one of my favorite things to do. I even have a secret to catching the most fish. But the part about fishing I don't like is cleaning them. Most of the time I stand by the sink and watch my grandma clean them but I tried to clean one this time. I hated it, and I wasn't too good at it either.

Poutine. Who doesn't like fries covered in melted cheese and gravy?!

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